Saturday 26 June 2010

About a year to late....

But what the hell..!
So i did complete my season yeah, i just got to caught up in the last few weeks (ok we'll make that a month or so!) that i never managed to write about my shenanigans! Lets just say had an amazing end of the season, and met a lovely person (who is still in my good books! :) ) and made the most amazing friends.
p.s i also signed up for tignes.. what am i doing?!

Saturday 6 March 2010

Mad March

Tis the season for Mad March to begin! (maybe i already wrote this in the last blog...? i cannot remember!) but anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAMA MCFRED! :)
Soo today has been my day off, and yet again im sat here writing at silly o clock before i have to be up early again for another transfer day! not long left! eeeeeeep.
This week has been a little crazy, sunday evening we went out.. blank. monday evening went out. blank again (for literally everybody!) nobody can really remember what happened, but the funny thing is we were all drunk but didnt even drink an excess amount! so by tuesday i was actually paying for it.. faair enough, but tuesday evening i had seriously deteriorated, surely not still a hangover? no it wasnt.. because wednesday and thursday to i spent majority of my days on the toilet.. a slight bug of some sort. by thursday i was sent home, and missed out on the staff night out.. which seemed to be fully going on. apparetly everyone was wasted! some injuries on the bumboarding front to! and definetly a disturbed night sleep for me consdiering i didnt even go out with many visits from drunken roomies and childcare crew! all fun and games.
but now im all better and completely over it :) except think ive passed it onto jay!
THE ONLY THING I PRAISE THE LORD FOR (sorry family) IS THAT I DIDNT END UP JOINING THE SHARTING CREW. PHEWWWW! ill tell you another time if you cant guess :)
but the others this week have seemed to be out every night enjoying some crazy times! very very drunk nights had by them, and its been an ace week in nursery, im not gonna lie! did enjoy it.. got a mad week coming up this week! (im sure these blogs are starting to get boring. seems i have no funny stories to tell!).
Last night went out for a lovely meal with the saas fee girls, stephy, sar and belfo.. Oh yes and by the way.. ive now applied to do saas fee in summer with these 3.. so much for "im not doing another season" so 2 months at home (definetly bumming around and having a bloody good time! doing some skipping with my little grandad, and having some giggle with my nan and grandad and some drunken times with the cousin, a fantastic wedding to attend to, some loving times with the mother and father, possibly some visits to the brother (i mean some definetly!) and some BLOODY AMAZING TIMES WITH THE FRIENDS! i canny wait.
Today we had sarah waking us up at silly o clock, (just because she hasnt skied much this season she now thinks she has he decency to shout at us at 9am and tell us were skiing at this time.. urm sarah "arrrrrrrrrrrrrrr yeah!" haha) but yes by 10.30 we were in casino (where else...!) chocolate pastry in our hand and heading for the bus..! and my lord did we ski today. we went all the way to the lake in tignes, a very far way and hen all the way to the glacier.. no stops either. just me, sar and belfolina (the whole time we were out we had belfo discussing how hungry she was!) and yes we had no break, and finally came home at 3.30 before quickly changing "oh urm, ive literally got off the mountain" look.. headed to the boys, to go and have a wee bbq to say au revoir jim! we will miss you jim! genuinelly will, even his messy long hair! and me and sar nearly went AWOL considering we found dr pepper in spar.. hello how long have we been here?!
and now im sititng here writing this because everyone is in bed or still working and ive just been on a rampage with emily singing our hearts out to some musical songs! good times.
7 weeks my lovely folks. 7 weeks and counting. i love you alll.
p.s hope you like the random photos!
misssssssssssssssssing you all.
and im getting fat... maybe? slightly? healthy! yes! haha
oh and p.p.s i am going to ski this week. im not gonna learn, ima just do it. why not.

Saturday 27 February 2010

Its far to late for me to be writing...

Its a saturday evening, ive just finished baby listening and i have to be up in approximately 7 hours ready for another long day of transfer day (oh the fun.. and to make it EVEN more fun, we have to do mid season deep clean!).
This week has been a wee bit mental, we've been on awesome shifts,and to be fair had some pretty amazing children in nursery this week i must say so myself and we've been partying it up an awful lot to which has been grand. Many the times we have been out this week, myself and alter ego tallulah (aka stephy... "hello? tdawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwg?.oh hello christine" CLASSIC!), we have been extremely drunk in what seemed like minutes. the funniest things, fallling over all the way to p'ds and just not having any recollection of the night except ordering a pizzanini (why would anyone want to forget that!) - plus i am NOT an alcoholic.. im a seasonnaire, this is what we expect!
had a couple of new people rock up for the season too, and we have some people leaving.
we have the return of wonderful belfolinaaa after her transfer this week! oh we've missed her. and were extremely excited for 'favourite fancy dress friday'..blatently have to bosh out nurse linda i think so.
Been starting to really think about home, how i miss tesco to go and buy some peach snapps (let me tell you its a bloody bomb out here for that), and how i cannot wait to snooze in my own bed, give my family a big kiss and cuddle (i am cheese yes) and just see my friends!
But there is one thing puzzling me, so im completely ready for english life again (i tell myself i am)... i want to spend time with my family and friends, and get a proper job and all sorts, but ive got the 3 girls in our house out here wanting me to do summer with them because they think it will be a bloody good laugh.. and i dont know why but my head is racking... im finished with seasons i told myself, i want to settle in with the english lifestyle, get a real job and money and all things and be able to treat myself with proper nice things everyone once in a while (even see a nice sum in my account!) but why is my brain playing around on the summer subject? i think its because i genuinelly love these girls in this house a lot more than i can tell you right now. i would possibly say i have become so close to them, they are literally like people ive known all my life.. they really are.
they make me laugh, they make me cry, and theyve made me realise what true gods they are! arghh goddamn, why cant they be bitches! so yeah currently have this dilema, i know i wont do it.. i think maybe its jsut because im scared of what lies ahead? (my dad says i make it seem like the world is coming to an end!) I think its because once ive got commitments, its not as easy to let go of them if i want to just up and leave.. i reckon as soon as im home ill be fine... and anyway, its just an excuse for me to have a holiday and go see them right?!
So yeah, what a boring blog this is! on the funny note of today.. i DID however apply for deal or no deal.. this did make everyone laugh :) and this last week ive also been reading 'memoirs of a geisha'.. a bloody good read, intellectual i must add (it works a treat on the guests!).
Think thats all from me! another good week lies ahead of us i hope.. lets just pray i dont end up feeling the way i did today with this silly hangover and my tiredness nearly killing me (so why the hell cant i sleep now?!)
8 more weeks.. all i have to say is "shit the bed". i love my escale girls.
and i miss my english girls and family.
love love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
p.s i hope you didnt fall asleeep.

Saturday 20 February 2010

the bread and the pate ratio is way out

Firstly, are you surprised??? Im actually writing my blog again.. and its been like 14 days, so thats quite a bonus at the minute!
I must say ive had a pretty immense day today... ok so we didnt get up as early as we had always planned...
"ok meet at half 10"
"yeah you know this wont happen"
"oh but this week it will"
and OBVIOUSLY it didnt.. but half 11 was still good enough!

Crazy night out last night, well it actually wasnt. we all played centurium and got far to drunk and had such a funny evening then when we eventually went out we had old jimmy finger falling asleep in the bar... and i must even say i was pretty close to snoozing in dicks, so had to be taken home (blatently diverting past our usual pizza place... "but but i only have 9e77c, please can i get a pizza? you know i come here every other day!" worked a treat!) and so today there was 5 of us heading on our adventure. went over to tignes, the snow was pretty immense, but the visibility wasnt exactly the best but it was still good enough. and we froze far to much!
some of the sayings today have been incredible. we came back over to val side, and decided to do some off piste runs.. well funniest thing thats possibly ever happened.. never mind a tree run, more like a 'rock run'..hilarious! and then we stopped for some pate...
"oh i didnt think about this.. the pate and the bread ratio is way out"
"there are seven rules to the mountain book...... 6. i forget that. 7. spread the word"
"whenever i put my goggles on, i forget what colour the sky is"
and then the funniest thing ever on the way back down and we just hear "i think ive done a poo in my pants".. such an immense day, guess it was you just had to be there.
and then we all went and brought a YOKI hat, just to feel part of the Val d crew!
So yeah, this last week has been alrighty, i suppose were all starting to realise that there is like eight weeks left, which is pretty mental... im so looking forward to it (still), but also im just thinking what the hell not long left now..!
our humble abode is looking crazy with our 'fatshit' wall... of all our leftover food wrappers, and our bathroom currently has posters on.
Some mental things been going on this week.. could just laugh about it for hours! god i love my escale girls far to much... and currently missing loudmouth moonface who has been on transfer, and also cornelius, and there back tomorow and we lose belfolina and geography teacher...! but once were all reunited WE ARE GETTING BACK ON ITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT
arrr man, its mad to think how long we got left. i am starting to get a little sad because i know ill miss everyone so much but there has been talks about us all coming for a little val d holiday (cheesy as it probably sounds yes yes but true and would be grand!)
i missed out on pancake day to... :( in all my 21 years and this is the first ive never had them!
anyway thats me done for now.. the lion king calls me now that the internet is working, and goodbyes for mr matthew DIXON as we say!
missing you all... eight weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks, oooooooooooh weeeee (this just came on as i wrote this!)
to much love to my lovelies at home, and my love still for my escale caudlron boudour girls xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 6 February 2010

Mid Season Blues

Here I am.. writing again..
Ok i personally wouldnt have wrote because i'm currently in one of those really really lazy moods where i dont wanna do anything, i even struggled to get in the shower and so after a text from the mother and constant questions from the father... YES IM WRITING MY BLOG TODAY!

Its my day off today, Saturday... and i should have gone out boarding, but to be fair i was waiting for an excuse i havent yet had a duvet day and because its pure snowing, some would even call it a slight blizzard these last few days, well i decided to sack it right off.. and anyway a slight hangover doesnt help matters either!
Oh yes ended up going out last night, and doing the most silliest thing ever.... headed to The Morris Pub, and i really wanted my song Midnight Train to play so i barged my way to the live band as they were tanking everyone whatever who cares, i wasnt even listening and shouted "excuse me can you listen to me.. excuse me. its my birthday today"... fantastic that grabbed his attention (by the way im going to see how long i can go for writing this without someone saying... "wow you type fast!") Anway, so i said to him i wanted to sing a song.. and after him even getting the crowd to sing happy birthday my moment finally began. i had the microphone and not even singing, more like shouting i would call i started to sing "just a small town girl" and everyone started to join in.. along popped miss jo lees who joined in.. and then bloody messed the words up! it was amazing while it lasted.... and had nothing to do with the mango passoa we'd been sipping throughout the night! muahahaha.
Mother dear came out the other weekend, just what i needed to cheer me up :) we had a lovely friday night, dressed as greek goddess'es smurfs and all sorts for gemma and sean as they departed us.. i must say it was a pretty drunk night then.. (always mothers influence! i wasnt even used to holding a glass of wine in my hand on a normal night out!!!) and then saturday day, myself, mother mcphedran (as shes now been called in the escale girls household!) miss steph howson and dear gemma all went out for the day, we had a lovely day. the weather was fab and we sat on the piste drinking hot chocolate and we did do some skiing.. then we headed to follie dous...
but yes a lovely day. and we went to p'ds for tea which was grand :)
and sunday i didnt see her due to our lovely transfer days (only 10 more of these lleft.. yes im bloody counting!!!) and sunday night we went for a wonderful meal at bananas (my new favourite place. where im off to for some grub tonight! but its ok i havent eaten today thats allowed!)
Anyway, not an awful lot been happening, some new staff have been arriving, and some staff going. had a good night one monday dressed as mimes, this was fun. Rearranged the bedrooms so now more space to.
All i can comment on is that im defiently suffering from the biggest mid season blues ever known to mankind this last few weeks.. and i am starting to job hunt for stuff.
On that note something funny did happen the other morning, we went out me, belfolina, j.bone and jay and we took a draglift up. but stupid me fell off it, and after much faffing around jbone grabbed me in between his drag lift, but we never managed to get it back between our legs, causing us to hold with all our might to keep on it.. after what seemed like forever, we stacked it and couldnt take it anymore ending up in off piste (much to j.bones dismiss!) and causing him to lose a ski, hitting his ski pole on his ski AND IT BREAKING IN HALF. THE FUNNIEST THING WEVE EVER SEEN! he was not happy. then to top it off we got stuck on a chairlift for like 10 minutes. brilliant.
but we did ski down the olympic run the face... without being drunk this time. that was a good thing :)
thats all from me today. and i hope that this cheers up whoever is reading.. if anyone reads apart from the mcphedran family (im sure i have more friends out there?!)
missing you all a lot and a lot.
Sending all my love.
katy mcphedran
p.s billy and belfo sitting in the tree
first comes the podge
then comes the belly
then comes the obesity after all that jelly
(i think this is the BEST poem ive ever written!)

Tuesday 5 January 2010

Superhero's dont end up in hospital..!

Firstly apologies for it being actually AGES since i last wrote on here. Been extremely busy with work and everything else. and to make it worse i ended my "superhero sunday" evening in hospital! I hadnt even drank hardly anything, possibly one mug of wine, and everyone had left apart from 3 of us, so we started to walk home, and i'd fallen over quite a bit in the evening with it being icy, and i just slipped and lay there for a while. then i think i got up, and then the next thing i remember is being at the house. the house is all a bit of a blur to, but apparently i had passed out on the street, due to banging my head 3 times in a row, and id been carried home. At the house they ended up calling 112 because i had got a lot worse, and couldnt even sit up or walk. all i remember was wanting to sleep and being so petrified.
The ambulance came, and noone was allowed in, so 3 people followed me down in a minibus. They stripped me naked at the hospital (i do remember arguing with the nurse because i refused to take my pants off!.. i finally got my own way! haha). the 3 who came with me, came to check on me and one of them stayed the night.. on the floor, bless them. extremely greatful for that. i didnt even sleep because i was on a bloody stretcher bed! it came to 8am, and the doctor wanted to give me a ct scan, but i said i'd be fine...i didnt want to fork out loads of money! got discharged, and came back up to val disere about 2pm and got sent straight to bed!
And so today i'm still in bed. the only way i can describe it, is that i have an elephant actually sitting on my head. yesterday it was a daddy elephant, today is a baby elephant.. BUT WHAT KINDA SUPERERO ENDS UP IN HOSPITAL.!
Christmas and new year wasnt anything special. i worked it all, like pretty much everyday. Had some good nights out, football friday was an incredible night. i wasnt drunk but i had such a top night. me and emily belford decided to hit the poles, and do some dancing (sore arms and legs for ages!.. bad moves bad moves!)
On the snowboarding front, went out a couple of times, it was mega cold last week and we went up one run, and had to come straight back down because it was that bad!!
My mum is coming out to visit in january at the end so im pretty excited about that :)
I cant actually think what else ive done in these last few weeks, its all rolled into one. and been a bit mental. I'm now going to go and watch pocahontas that i treated myself to :)
happy new year to you all.
missing you all loads.

Saturday 19 December 2009

MENTAL oriental

... As Posy would say back in the Les Gets days!
Today is my day off, and its been quite eventful (apart from the fact we havent been to the laundrette... but its ok Katie says "we can just smell for another week".. haha!). Last night we ended up out.. OBVIOUSLY where else would we be :) and it was fancy dress friday,we had some incredible ideas and costumes.. and was such a giggle. I somehow managed to get through a bottle and a half of wine (far to much consumed for me...!) and it was such an amazing night. we didnt leave till we got kicked out of Dicks Tea Bar at 4.30am! Even the managers were out, arrrrr. and i managed to get my pizza so thats all good :) Everyone looked wicked in there fancy dresses.
And this was me on the way out.. good times. good times.

Today i got up about 10.30 not to bad, after the mayhem of Miss Forgetful Katie losing her phone, and luckily someone had phoned me to say they had found it.. so we went and collected that and met up with some of the other childcare. Headed up to a run, hit the black run first time.. and i must even big myself up quite slightly and say i turned all the way down, i didnt wishy washy.. i didnt MOAN and i LOVED it far to much.

and then we headed to la daille(the town next to it) and waited for the tabac to open for some new mobile telephones (im dreading telling the family my new number... so my other one to text is fine :)) and while we waited, we headed to the total chalet, where we had some tea and croissants..and in exchange James hoovered, and then we all wrapped up some christmas boxes (where i then got called an elf.... apparently due to my size! not even slightly funny.. ok maybe a little!) haha. And then now im just bumming on the internet. So this week has been pretty good for our first weeek to. and the guests have been lovely which is always a bonus. had some snow last night to. the other night i was sick LOADS due to eating to much binge food.. yeah its actually put me off chocolate.. only for like two days!
This is a pretty short blog today, im finally starting to feel a little wacked out now.. early night for me, im on hotel assistanting tomorow day. fun times!
missing you all loads. especially the lovers i called last night. STICKY NIKKI most amazing chat ever :) Travis babyyy tpot, haha you crack me up and my snoooopy for waking her up. i love you all.